Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Capturing Memorable Moments

The baby boomer generation knew where they were when JFK was shot. It is said that Sep 11 creates that memory for the current generations, as the know where they were when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center.

Where were you on September 11th, 2001?

(photo courtesy of http://www.cbc.ca/news/background)

Notice how other artists capture memorable moments. How does their storytelling and photograhpy capture the moment? How do you determine the most memorable moments of your life? What moments transformed you, changed you, made you realize something new about yourself or about life iteself?

This chapter asks you to look at the work of other artists so you can see how you want to capture and documents memorable moments in your life.

See week one blog entry for example formats.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009



Blog Requiremnts

For each blog entry:
1) See syllabus for list of requirements
2) See example blog entry "Ode to a Toothbrush"
2) AD the following:
Summary of 2 articles, 1 per blog entry. Summarize the articles you chose from the chapter that you used for inspiration for your piece.

Include one quoted passage from the article that exemplifies meaning or the main idea of the article

Then explain how the article inspired your blog entry and choice of photograph or image.

See example blog for appropriate length and detail.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Coming To Terms with Place

This blog entry should cover places that have meaning.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Observing the Ordinary": Oranges, My Home and Some Toothbrushes

Mottinelli, S. Arance Art Print. (allposters.com)

(photo taken by Danna Whittman)

This piece, "Ode to a Toothbrush" was inspired by Larry Woiwode's essay "Ode to an Orange." His essay documents the simple bliss of eating an orange, especially as he remembers what a treat it was to have one during the North Dakotan winters of his youth. He and his brother would beg their mother for an orange as if it was a piece of precious candy. They would pretend to be sick in order to get one, as the healing properties of vitamin C were sure to get you an orange if you were ill.

Woiwode's words inspire one to look at something often taken for granted, like this orange, and see it as something wondrous. "Each orange, stripped of its protective wrapping, as vivid in your vision as a pebbled sun, encouraged you to picture a whole pyramid of them in a bowl on your dining room table, glowing with light, as if giving off the warmth that came through the windows from the real winter sun. (Woiwode 45)" Oranges, in his description, give off a vivid warmth, their flavor savored because it was special and rare. In this world where we often don't appreciate the fact that we can have an orange whenever we want, we see what it meant to him.

Woiwode goes on to describe the different ways an orange can be eaten, seemingly thought of because it consumed his mind as a child. There is a certain joy in peeling an orange, though the most humorous is when he says the top of the orange can be bitten off like a "detonator", comparing it to a grenade, where one can then stick a straw into it, suck out the juice and then eat the remains.

This essay inspired me to document the meaning of these toothbrushes, relics of a time when my fiance's family regularly used our cabin home for vacation weekends. The reality of their experience was that their father built this cabin; their memories of him are inextricably tied to it. When we were cleaning out the cabin in preparation for moving in, we found these toothbrushes and were transported to another time. The names "Edward" and "Ralph" are engraved in black ink along the handles, handles meant to fit into the hands of a child. It's so funny to me, as I've only known Eddie and Ralph as adults, Ralph being my future father-in-law! I might be imposing my interpretation of their childhood memories upon these toothbrushes, but I imagine holding them, brushing my teeth with the "Dupont nylon bristles" as the snow falls outside, hearing John build a father to keep the cabin warm. The shiny blue plastic would gleam as I placed the brushes back into the medicine cabinet, safe for another night.